SnmpSet (Command-line Tool)



Version: 1.01
Size: 147KB (zip)


SNMP is a standard protocol for configuring and management of network devices. Almost all active network devices support SNMP. Besides that, SNMP is supported by many network applications and the majority of operational systems.

SnmpSet allows you to change the values of SNMP variables on network devices supporting this protocol and, in this way, to manage them. Many different actions are realized by means of writing values to variables. This can involve the changing of configuration parameters of a network device and enabling and disabling different features or executions of some certain actions. Thus, SnmpSet allows you to uniformly administer different active network devices and network programs.

The list of SNMP variables differs on different network devices. You can see the list of variables, supported by particular hardware or software, by using a separate tool SnmpWalk. To determine whether it is possible to change the variable value, you should study the documentation or run a test with SnmpSet. You can obtain the value of any available SNMP variable by using the SnmpGet tool.

SnmpSet it is a command-line tool which simplifies its use in scripts and allows you to automate a large number of everyday system administrator actions. This tool supports IPv4 and modern IPv6, allowing you to avoid difficulties when you upgrade network structures. Besides that, SnmpSet, along with supporting a version of the SNMPv1/SNMPv2c protocol which is not safe, also supports a safer version of SNMPv3. This allows you to avoid violations of corporate safety policies in the event you use it.


  • Supports SNMP v1/v2c and SNMPv3
  • Supports IPv4 and IPv6
  • Command line interface (CLI)
  • Any type of SNMP variables
  • Various Auth. & Privacy protocols
  • Windows XP-10 compatible
  • Windows Server 2003-2019 compatible


SnmpSet.exe [-q] -r:host [-p:port] [-t:timeout] [-v:version] [-c:community]
        [-ei:engine_id] [-sn:sec_name] [-ap:auth_proto] [-aw:auth_passwd]
        [-pp:priv_proto] [-pw:priv_passwd] [-ce:cont_engine] [-cn:cont_name]
        -o:var_oid -val:value [-tp:type]

   -q               Quiet mode (suppress header)
   -r:host          Name or network address (IPv4/IPv6) of remote host.
   -p:port          SNMP port number on remote host. Default: 161
   -t:timeout       SNMP timeout in seconds (1-600). Default: 5
   -v:version       SNMP version. Supported version: 1, 2c or 3. Default: 1
   -c:community     SNMP community string for SNMP v1/v2c. Default: private
   -ei:engine_id    Engine ID. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3).
   -sn:sec_name     SNMP security name for SNMPv3.
   -ap:auth_proto   Authentication protocol. Supported: MD5, SHA (SNMPv3).
   -aw:auth_passwd  Authentication password (SNMPv3).
   -pp:priv_proto   Privacy protocol. Supported: DES, IDEA, AES128, AES192,
                    AES256, 3DES (SNMPv3).
   -pw:priv_passwd  Privacy password (SNMPv3).
   -cn:cont_name    Context name. (SNMPv3)
   -ce:cont_engine  Context engine. Format: hexadecimal string. (SNMPv3)
   -o:var_oid       Object ID (OID) of SNMP variable to SET.
   -val:value       Variable value to SET.
   -tp:type         Type of variable to SET. Supported: int,uint,str,hex,oid,ip.
                    Default: str


SnmpSet.exe -r: -t:10 -c:"admin_rw" -o:. -val:MRouter
SnmpSet.exe -r:MRouter -q -p:10161 -o:. -val:SysAdmin
SnmpSet.exe -r:"::1" -v:3 -sn:SomeName -ap:MD5 -aw:SomeAuthPass -pp:DES -pw:SomePrivPass
             -o:. -val:1 -tp:int


SnmpSet is free for non-commercial use. More detailed license agreement can be found in ReadMe.txt delivered with the product.

Do you want to integrate SNMP Tools into your solution?

If you want to use the SNMP Toolkit for commercial purposes, please don not hesitate to contact us at
We would be glad to tailor it to your specific needs. Alternatively, we can provide SNMP Tools as a library for effortless integration.

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